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Drive productivity & profit

Unleash the power of the individual and your teams through data insight and employee engagement

work together
Team Meeting


Effective teams and team structures with motivated staff can multiply profit by 4 times compared to companies with demotivated employees.

Build high-productivity teams

Understanding skills within teams, company culture and the interpersonal dynamics of people within your organisation provides you with the insight to understand why productivity is sub-optimal.


NicerTeams provides you with the insight you need to change and the tools to increase individual engagement in the company and enhance teamwork. This is delivered not just through an one-off activity but by providing continuous development and support to you and your employees.

Increased employee engagement

People become truly engaged when we listen to their needs and respond to them.  Nicer Teams provides a career development platform that focuses on the individuals in your company and their career aspirations.  


Starting from the first point of contact with prospective employees through to onboarding and development, Nicer Teams provides ways to listen to your staff, align development and provide extensive personalised coaching and mentoring support.   

Happy Man
Working Together

Improved decision making & collaboration

Internal influences, and professional pride often affects adversely the rigour of critical business decisions.  Our collaboration platform allows effective internal and external peer-to-peer collaboration to significantly reduce the likelihood of making poor decisions. 


The Nicer Network allows your team to collaborate with trusted executives at their peer level to access insight on technologies, vendors, change methods, market insight and other valuable knowledge assets not available in the open market.


Your employees are encouraged to build private networks that support not only your company's decision processes but acts to develop their professional network to aid in marketing, sales and brand advocacy of your business.

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